Have a good day, and don't forget to hug your kids but love YOU too!!!
I know...I know... I have been AWOL for too long. Thanks for being so patient with me. And thanks to those of you who have taken the time to check on me through email.. It means more than you know. It's so nice to have such good friends that you have never meant As most of you know... my life these past few months have been anything but great... but we are still hanging in there. I have had ups and downs and am making choices that I hope will make life better for all of us. I am seriously thinking about getting a job... I hate to think about my kids in day care but it is a must at this point.. DH is on the fence too. We love the fact that I can be here for them, but times are hard. In my last post he had sold his old truck and now he has another one.. He just didn't like the one he was driving so he found another Peterbilt to drive..It has isn't problems already, so that has been kind of not a good subject here!!! lol.
As you can see my beautiful kids are in full swing of school. Ash is Kindergarten and loves it but still has trouble with me dropping her off. She is getting better and hopefully soon it will pass. Brandon is in the 4th grade and seems to really like his teacher and loves his Science class!!! He is getting big and it at my shoulder already. I'm 5'11" so he is getting there!!!