Here are a few pictures of this Christmas... it was a good one, now let the New Year Begin!!!

Ash and I with her quilt I made for her. She loves wolves and the was so excited that it had them all over one side. The other side is 5" squares of different fabrics she has picked out every time we hit the fabric store!!

Ash and I with her quilt I made for her. She loves wolves and the was so excited that it had them all over one side. The other side is 5" squares of different fabrics she has picked out every time we hit the fabric store!!

My Mom & Dad my brothers & sisters, their spouses and all the grand kids and Augie the Dog!!
What a crew!!

This year is quickly coming to a close and it can't come soon enough for me!! We have had a very trying year and our hopes for the New Year are that things will get better one way or the other. But I'll have to refer back to a post I did a few months ago about counting my blessings...those of which I do have many, my kids are the blessings that I can always count on, they keep me grounded and remind me everyday that they love me and they will always be here for me!!! I love you Brandon and Ashie Jo!!! I am blessed with a DH that works hard and tries very hard to keep us going and the wolves from knocking at the door!! Thanks Joe for your steadfast effort to keep us afloat. I'm blessed with a family that is always there for me, they have my back and I know that and am reminded everyday how lucky I am to have them on my side. I am blessed the friends that are my rock!!! They know who they are and if it weren't for them I would have been lost for sure. We have had some rough spots this year but with the love of my friends I have made it through. I am sorry for all the phone calls that may have ended up with me crying on your shoulder,or anything I may have done or said to hurt anyone I have come across this year. Bear with me, I'm trying to become the person I know I can be and become happier and find so peace in my life. Things don't always go as planned and my heart is showing that this year, but I think I am on my way to being happier and making those around me that way too!!! I have to start with ME, you know the saying, If MOMMA AIN'T HAPPY AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY!!! LOL... So here's to a great NEW YEAR for all of us. I hope it brings to you and your family all the hopes and dreams you wanted and fewer heartaches and hardships along the way!!!