Okay you have to check out my GF's Tanya's blog, it is so pretty and doesn't even compare to her work or the beautiful person she is...I just love her to death. As I do all my girls in my eBay group TLOFA..They are all Sisters to me and I love them all. Tanya is new to the blogging thing so I'm going to give her a plug here, she has a new blog beadandneedle and she does amazing work and she is a pretty darn good seamstress too!!! She has more talent in her little finger than I could ever hope for!! She is also a Colorado girl, but now lives in Henderson Nevada..but you would never know it by the friendship we share. I have the best friends in the world that I have never met in person, they know more about me and support me more than people that have known me a lifetime and I don't know what I'd do without any of them, so to you Tanya, Chris, Pat, Barb, Suxie, Jody, Karen, Bonnie and whom ever I may have forgotten I love you and support you in every way, you have all shown me what a true friend truly is!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Go Check out Bead & Needle....

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Pretty Valentine's Giveaway...Sign up before Jan 31
Morning all. I was surfing the blogs and found this pretty give away on Harvest Moon Primitives blog. She is giving away this pretty Valentine's Hanger... LOVE IT.. Go check our her blog and get all the details and you may win this pretty for yourself..
Not much going on in my world these days. Kind of calm after the storm with the holidays getting past us.. Need to get back on track with my eating.... The holidays were tough on me but I didn't gain but a couple pounds so I need to drink my water and start eating right again and it will come back off!! My baby will be turning 6 in just a few days!!! I can't believe how time flies by and we seem to miss most of it!! Slow and steady is what we need to be so we can cherish each moment of our kids' lives.. They will be grown and gone before I know it!!! Makes me happy and sad at the same time!!
Have a great day everyone!! I'll post pictures of the Birthday and go check out the giveaway.. it is a good one!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What ahead for this new Decade?? One day at a time!!
As we usher in this new year, this NEW DECADE...what will it hold for us!!?? I guess if we all had crystal balls or could look into the future we would, but would we really want to??? Sometimes I do wish I could and see what it holds for my family, we have had such a hard year that I would love to know how we weather this storm and see if we come out of it happier and without the worries we have had this past year. But then there is the other side of that and if we don't come through this as I hope, I don't want to see where we will be or what shape we are in. So I guess I'll take it ONE DAY AT A TIME..and hope and pray for the best!! I have to believe that there are better days ahead and that my family will be happy no matter what happens. I thing I know my kids won't have to do without is LOVE!!Speaking of LOVE.....I thought this was just the coolest thing.... the kids and I were walking in one of our local parks and Brandon noticed a heart shape in the side of a big tree, and asked how it got there. I told him some young lovers probably carved it in the tree to declare their love.. but there are not initials in and and when I looked closer it looks to have been carved a long time ago. The bark is splintered around the heart carving and the bark in the middle it bulging out on the inside of the heart shape. It's like it tried to grow out after the heart was carved. It almost looks like there was a branch there and it was just in that shape when it fell or was cut off. But it sure makes for a good picture!! Maybe cupid it and fill it with the letters of two star crossed lovers!!! Oh to be young and that in love again!! :o) Anyway.... until next time I hope that this new year brings only love to your hearts and that the next few months will be filled with joy and prosperity!!!