~ A wise man once said: I don't know, go ask a Woman!! ~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I've been consumed!!!!

 Okay, so I have been consumed by snowmen!!! I have two shows in the next month just a week apart...so I have been frantically sewing stuffing and dressing snowmen!!
 Some are done!!

 Some are in piles.....
 Some are in my chairs...with no bodies!! OH MY!!
 But they are ALL OVER MY HOUSE!!!

 These guys needs trees and some need faces and hats!!
 This guy is near complete..needs some glitter!!
 I have them in bag and "parts and pieces" laying about!!
Some are in boxes!!!They look like they want out!!!
I am dreaming of snowmen, but when they are done, I need to do some of my arrangements and some ornies and then I always think...."I can do just a few more things".. these shows are my Christmas money so the better I do the better the Christmas for my kids is, so I think if I can get a few more things done that is just that much more that Santa can do!!! I do enjoy it so that does help and thank God for my family being so tolerant of all the snowmen in about every room of the house!! I don't have a lot of storage so it's gets a to looking like a snowman village before to long!!!
Well, I have more faces to put on some of these guys.. be looking for my giveaway... I will pick one and get it on here to go to a new home soon!!!! Have a great day!!! 


Leslie Lemke said...

Your snowmen are adorable...I do craft shows this time of year too, and the money is always good for Christmas gifts, as we know that its not getting cheaper...Good luck at your future shows!

Unknown said...

My goodness!!
You have been busy busy busy!!
They all look great.
I need some of your energy!!

Karen~The Barely There Primitive Bear said...

I would say that "You are crazy
for snowmen!" They are so cute!
Good luck on your shows, I know
you will do well.

Bear Hugs~Karen

Tanya said...

The "up" side is that you've got all that snow IN the house, and it's not cold! I know how busy you've been with these - they are all DARLING! Way to go, Sis! XOXO

Ladybug said...

Those are Adorable and I love
Snowman (Which I call Snowfolks)
Never have enough Snowfolks
Thanks for Sharing...

Snowfolks Blessings

Norine/Surprise, AZ USA said...

Looks like my suitcase Joleen.
Too cute!

Carmen and the Primcats said...

Hi! Just found your blog and love it! You make the cutest snowmen!

Carmen and the Primcats