~ A wise man once said: I don't know, go ask a Woman!! ~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Whatca Working on Wednesday!!!

I think the better question if what am I not working on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....lol I have been burning the midnight oil the past 3 weeks sewing, stuffing, sewing more and not putting things together!!! That is what the table full of boxes, pot, sifters and what ever else you can put things in, I make make arrangements in them with some kind of candle lamp or tea light candle. Sometimes hard to explain so I'll post pictures when I get some done!!! I got all of all my big snowmen heads done, they are in the garage now, they got snowed on this morning. :0) I'll post more pictures when I get a minute!!! I have over 80 snowmen and I think about 200 stars and some Christmas tress, Gingers and Cardinals. I was going to try to get some penguins done, but there just aren't enough hours in the day, plus getting the kids to and from school and just being a mommy!!! We will be glad when it's all over!!! Have a great day, I need to get back to work..


basketsnprims said...

Wow, you've been so busy. You have to start putting things together and give us a peek.


John Bryson said...

wow,,,,I can't wait till Christmas!!!!! only 5 days? yesssss!

Back in the Day said...

Goodness! You have been very busy!