I have been counting & counting...and reminding myself how truly blessed I am. I haven't had much good to post about lately with my DH not working steady at all. And my fears for our future.
But when I look around me...we may be broke...but we are blessed. I have a wonderful, loving, caring, husband, two beautiful kids and a supportive family that loves me no matter what!!! This pictures was taken last Mother's Day at my parents house in Stoneham, Colorado. It is about 120 NE of Denver. It is a very, VERY small community that has had it's share of tragedy the past few years that makes me realize how lucky I have to have all my siblings, their spouses, both parents, nieces, nephews and even my 98 yoa Grandma still!!! And all the friends I have...the ones I have never meant from my eBay groups, to right here in blog land. Without you, I would be a goner!!! Thank you ALL!! Each day is a gift and what we chose to do with it is up to us, not anyone else.
Aren't we all so pretty!!! I love them all!! I don't tell them enough. So I love you all with all my heart. I'll try to tell you or show you more!!!

But when I look around me...we may be broke...but we are blessed. I have a wonderful, loving, caring, husband, two beautiful kids and a supportive family that loves me no matter what!!! This pictures was taken last Mother's Day at my parents house in Stoneham, Colorado. It is about 120 NE of Denver. It is a very, VERY small community that has had it's share of tragedy the past few years that makes me realize how lucky I have to have all my siblings, their spouses, both parents, nieces, nephews and even my 98 yoa Grandma still!!! And all the friends I have...the ones I have never meant from my eBay groups, to right here in blog land. Without you, I would be a goner!!! Thank you ALL!! Each day is a gift and what we chose to do with it is up to us, not anyone else.
Aren't we all so pretty!!! I love them all!! I don't tell them enough. So I love you all with all my heart. I'll try to tell you or show you more!!!

I am blessed that we had a terrible snow storm last week. It meant two more precious days with my kids at home safe and some much needed moisture for our very dry prairie..... Keep counting....
I am so blessed to have my sweet Ashie Jo!!! She had such a rough few months, but now look at her!!! She has become a quite the helper in the kitchen. She can crack eggs with the best of them and even scramble and cook her own, of course with moms help, but not to much, because she is all into doing it "by myself"....oh keep counting..but not to fast, she is growing up way too fast for my liking!!!
I'm not sure what she is making here but I'm sure it was delicious!!! She has a "Hulk" tattoo on her hand... she is a bit of a Tomboy!!! lol I'm still counting!!!
And we can't forget about Brandon, what a good boy he is and he is growing into such a handsome young man. My hubby just said that if few minutes ago what a good kid he is. He is just the light of our lives and makes us proud to be his parents. I look at him at times and it feels as if he is changing before my very eyes, His face is changing and he is getting so tall and really is a loving and caring big brother. He is very protective of Ashley and I hope he always will be and he will be the one she will go to when she needs to talk or to feel safe and never left out of the crowd..
DH and I both know the day will come when both of our kids will grow up and we won't be cool anymore, but until then we will keep counting our blessings and not what we may or may not have in our bank accounts because at the end of the day, the greatest things in life aren't THINGS....they look us in the face each day and tell us they love us and that we are the "best ever"!!!!
I'll keep counting and praying, because we still do need the prayers but I will try not to dwell on the things that we really can't control right now.
Until next time I'm off to count.......I'm not even close to being done!!!
What a great post and a great attitude. I firmly believe positive draws in more positive. Praying more good things come your way so you can keep on counting!
hugs, Linda
What a wonderful post Joleen!! I agree with Linda, very positive and uplifting!! Makes me realize that I too need see the blessings around me.
Hugs!! Carrie♥
What a wonderful post! You are so right! We are all blessed, but sometimes we forget to take notice of it.
I love the family photo. That is precious.
Thinking of y'all and praying that things will soon get better.
Have a happy week!
I love this post Joleen! Your kids are so cute, and Ash reminds me of myself when I was little. I was such a tomboy!
I'll be praying for good news about work for your hubby.
Hang in there.
you are so right...we were homeless in 99, lost everything, went from a 6 figure income to nothing...climbed back out and hubby is now disabled...we now live on less than 20,000 a yr...but we are happy...closer than we have ever been...things are not what matters...God, family and friends...still do not have a car but the Lord must have a reason for it...lol..even live in country , so no public transportaion...we rely on our kids to come and take us where we need to go...
you hang in there...and trust the Lord...through trials come miracles..we are proof of that...Hugs
your blog is looking so lovely Joleen, I just got back on Ebay and was looking for you and could not find you so i came here i remembered i had our link, I hope you are doing ok you have made such a beautiful post, keep in touch i know its been a while i miss the fun chats we had take care Lorrie B
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